Rifle Kits
For over fifty years, Jim Chambers has designed and produced some of the world's finest rifles. His work has been featured in numerous magazine articles and the Foxfire V book. Now you too can create a beautiful rifle!
We offer barrels for our kits Rice Rifle Barrels, The leading competition barrels in the nation. The barrels used in the Chambers kits are Rice’s Premium swamped barrels and are the barrels of choice for the vast majority of custom gunmakers.
Our stocks are produced by Bob Lepley, owner of L&G Woodcarving. His hand made pre-carved stocks set the standard for the muzzleloading industry. The combination of these companies give you rifle parts ready for assembly and finishing for a lifetime of enjoyable and reliable service.

Gun Locks
In addition to Rifle Kits, we supply flint and percussion locks to the majority of custom gun makers, to other companies specializing in black powder guns, and to individuals who want the very best lock for their rifle. We offer twenty different locks covering the period from 1740 to 1840. All twenty lock models can be purchased from us completely assembled and ready to use, and eight of the sixteen can also be purchased in kit form for those who like the challenge of assembling their own lock. Whether assembled or kit, our locks are the standard by which all other locks are judged.

If you would like a printed catalog, please send a check, money order, or cash for $5.00 to the address below. You may also phone or fax a VISA, Discover, American Express or MasterCard number.
Jim Chambers Flintlocks, Ltd.
Physical Address:
3837 Walhalla Hwy
Six Mile, SC 29682
Mailing & Correspondence Address:
PO Box 248
Six Mile, SC 29682
ph. 828/667-8361 (Tues-Fri 11 AM-6 PM)
fax 828/665-0852 (anytime)